Many buildings require significant excavation and a secure foundation to begin a project. However, a post frame building typically only requires clearing and leveling to prepare your land for building.
Preparations for post frame buildings require carefully choosing the appropriate site, determining the orientation of the building, leveling the land, removing the vegetation, and making sure that the site will drain properly. Additional steps may be necessary if the site is on a hill to ensure proper drainage, but the process is often still quicker and simpler than with other types of construction.
Selecting Your Site
Determining where your new post frame building will be is the first step. Take an overall look at the building’s primary function and ensure that the spot is right for this.
Consider the location of other buildings while also allowing plenty of access. You may also want to consider any potential for future expansion. Review the local zoning requirements, traffic flow, parking, drainage, buffer zones, and utility access.
Make sure to leave at least four feet of space sloping away from the entire building perimeter to ensure drainage is not impeded. This may require you to clear out all the vegetation. During this process, you can also ensure there are no hidden problems lying just beneath the surface. It is essential that you recognize what may be beneath and around your site. Look to eliminate tree roots, large rocks, and other potential obstructions from your site. These may affect the drainage and cause trouble later.
Preparing the Site
Depending upon whether the site is atop a hill, generally uneven, or on a flat space, you will begin to level the space to make it work. Remove all the organic material and loose soil that may be present to a level of about four to six inches.
Level the area completely before filling the space with a compacted fill material such as crushed stone.
Make sure to slope the new floor slightly from the center of the space to the other edges to ensure the free flow of moisture from within the building. Not allowing the water to escape easily will create permanent dampness within. This will cause many problems including mold and mildew.
Avoiding Common Underground Problems
A post frame building needs to withstand its own weight and the weight of its contents. Consider the additional stress caused by heavy snow, water, ice, and wind, as these can add considerably to what the structure must endure.
Improperly compacted and loose fill material can cause significant problems later, so take your time to get this step right. Underground shallow rocks may shift with pressure, tree roots will disintegrate over time, and other potential underground problems can cause your building to sink and warp.
Consult with Pacemaker Post Frame Buildings
Your beautiful post frame building will last a lifetime, but it is a good idea to consult with the professionals at a proven post frame company to understand all the possible issues. Professional advice is always helpful, especially when starting a new construction process. Pacemaker Post Frame Buildings has been helping building owners for over forty years and has addressed all sorts of issues.
Pacemaker Post Frame Buildings is headquartered in North Webster, Indiana and assists property owners in Northern Indiana, Southwest Michigan, and Northwest Ohio. The company helps with planning and design, supplies the components, and even oversees the construction of each building.
Visit the Pacemaker website to view many of their beautiful past projects in the Gallery. You can also learn more about the company and its approach to helping individuals solve problems.
Visit their website to learn more and to set up an appointment by completing the simple Contact Us form.
Or you can call Pacemaker Post Frame Buildings and speak to one of the company’s professionals at 888-834-4448.