Post frame buildings are remarkable structures that are excellent at withstanding harsh weather conditions. Whether handling excessive snowfall or high-level winds, post frame building structures redirect Mother Nature’s forces into the ground below. This, in turn, leaves the integrity of the structure undamaged.

In more extreme weather areas, your post frame building may require special attention to handle these conditions. Properly designed and attached, your post frame roofing should pass the highest levels of certification offered by the Underwriters Laboratory Certification.

Protection from High-Velocity Winds

High-velocity winds are common in many areas and will strike your building. Because the post frame structure is anchored by deep-rooted vertical posts, it will maintain its position against the wind’s force. Some of this force, however, is redirected upward beneath the eaves or overhang. This creates heavy pressure on the roofing, called “wind uplift,” and can represent a real problem.

This uplift increases depending on the amount of exposed surface area of the building and the length of the overhang. The exposure may allow high-intensity winds to strike the building and create a wind uplift that can compromise the roof structure. This, in turn, can cause extensive damage to the building and contents.

Protection from Snowfall

Excess snowfall can also be a significant threat to any structure. However, correct roofing angles, materials and construction ensure this is not an issue. 

Proper engineering is the essential ingredient to ensure the safety of your building. Working with a proven post frame building designer and contractor will help to minimize these potential threats.

Engineering Your Post Frame Building

Working with a qualified design engineer from Pacemaker Post Frame Buildings in North Webster, Indiana, allows you to create a structure that will withstand the worst potential weather in your area. The design engineer is always mindful of the most significant possible challenge. And can therefore, devise a plan that will endure the worst possible threats and protect your valuables within.

An effective designer addresses wind speeds, maximum snowfall, frost depths, indoor temperatures, hail, and even humidity and moisture during the design phase. 

Properly Bracing During Construction

During the planning phase, the engineer will calculate the appropriate distances between braces to accommodate the worst possible conditions in the future. In many instances, a six-foot separation between the vertical posts and trusses will provide superior protection versus an eight-foot spacing.

Calculating the proper bracing and spans is a key to addressing the overall strength of the building. Using support bracing or wind bracing to stabilize the roof trusses, walls, columns, and diaphragms helps to transfer the wind loads from the wind-facing side to the rest of the building. 

Using the correct fasteners is also critical. In most instances, screws are the better choice to fasten metal or other sheathing to the building frame.

Factors like assessing the bendability and strength of the lumber to be used, as well as the strength and density of the metal for the roof, are essential. Proper maintenance and inspection are also crucial, as some of the components can weaken or corrode without regular attention.

Work with Pacemaker Post Frame Buildings for Stronger Structures

Pacemaker Post Frame Buildings has been solving challenges for building owners in Northern Indiana, Northwest Ohio, and Southwest Michigan for decades. The company is located in North Webster, Indiana. They provide design, materials, and construction of quality post frame buildings for agriculture, civic, commercial, and residential owners.

The upper Midwest and Great Lakes region are areas that endure high winds, excessive snowfall, and other severe weather conditions during the year. Each Pacemaker Post Frame building is engineered to survive these extreme conditions.

To learn more, check out the Pacemaker Gallery photos of finished buildings on their website.

To speak with a post frame expert at Pacemaker Post Frame Buildings, complete the brief Contact Us form on the website. A member of the team will contact you as soon as possible. You may also call Pacemaker Post Frame Buildings directly at 1-888-834-4448 to talk with a professional.