Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiencies can save you money over the long-term.
Our optional Wall and Ceiling Energy Package allows for R-19 insulation to be installed in the wall cavities and R-38 to R-46 blown insulation to be installed in the attic space.
This design provides a much more energy efficient building than steel frame buildings where the insulation is compressed at all framing members.
In addition, framing with wood transfers less heat than steel framing and masonry walls. Our “Cool Metal Roofing” formulations add energy savings and have earned Energy Star Ratings.
This Energy Package system will provide superior insulation with effective ventilation for a comfortable and cost-efficient environment.
This means lower energy cost and a better return on your investment, saving you money year after year!

Comparing Building Type Energy Efficiencies:
1. Post Frame building
As noted, a Post Frame building has larger wall cavities, which allows for ample amounts of continuous insulation. Furthermore, the wood framing parts have some R-value and provide very low heat conductivity.
2. Steel-frame building
This type of building would require insulation to be sandwiched between the outside steel and the framing. This causes the insulation to get crimped in “waves” around the building. Compressed insulation has very little R-value. In addition, the steel columns act as power bridges, transferring heat to the outside during the winter. In fact, steel conducts heat 310x faster than wood.
3. Concrete block building
Block by itself provides very little insulative value. The blocks’ cores can be filled with insulation. However, that provides uneven R-value because the cores constitute only a portion of the block. Typically, to get a block building warm and sealed tight, additional work must be done. Furring strips can be attached to the block and then insulation applied between, or stud walls can be built and insulated.
Bottom line is that Post Frame buildings provide the best type of energy efficiency for your building.
Green Building
With our client in mind, Pacemaker has always taken “a practical approach to Green Building Solutions. Learn more about Pacemaker’s Green Building design and construction practices here.