advantages of a post frame building

How to Build a Durable Agricultural Building

Barns, stables, sheds and other farm-type buildings require sturdy, permanent construction to withstand severe weather conditions, heavy loads, and the pounding from equipment and livestock. Shortcuts in construction become very costly when the building requires replacement or the contents become damaged.

Tips for Making Your Post Frame More Durable

Post frame buildings often survive hurricanes, tornadoes, and high winds when other types of buildings succumb to those extreme forces. Properly constructed post frame buildings distribute the force evenly throughout the structure and directly into the ground, unlike standard stick frame construction.  This durability can mean fewer costs in the event of extreme storms. Here […]

How to Plan Your Post Frame Building

A detailed plan is more than just a great idea when constructing a building, it’s essential. However; the planning process need not be complicated, and for a post frame building it is easier than other types of construction. One of the significant advantages of building with a post frame design is that the plan may […]

Adding to an Existing Post Frame Building

You’ve grown and you need more room…Good news! Expanding a post frame building is much easier and often less disruptive than with other types of construction. The post frame structure typically has wider clear space between vertical supports which allows the addition be connected at nearly any point with fewer changes and prep.

Post Frame Buildings Flexible Interiors

The open uninterrupted space that is typical of post frame construction is perfect for accommodating just about any interior configuration. Without the load-bearing walls that are typical of other framing systems; post frame buildings easily allow as many, or as few, walls and partitions as you require.

Post Frame Construction FAQ’s

Post frame construction is becoming a popular choice for many different types of buildings. Solid, durable, and economical, post frame methods are being used for schools, municipal buildings, fire stations, farm buildings, commercial buildings, and private residences.

Post Frame Buildings Frequently Asked Questions

Post-frame buildings are durable, energy-efficient, and an economical solution for many types of construction. State-of-the-art post frame construction methods have been adopted for civic buildings, schools, fire stations, churches and private residences.

Insuring Post Frame Buildings

Post-frame buildings offer a wide range of advantages over conventional building construction. In addition to the economies of a shorter build time from start to finish, fewer and less expensive materials, simpler ground preparation and reduced labor, post- frame’s overall cost and proven durability typically result in lower insurance costs per square foot to protect […]

Post-Frame Construction: Economical, Energy-Efficient, and Eco-Friendly

Post frame construction is a viable solution for nearly any type of building today. Economical, energy efficient and sustainable, post frame or pole barn-type buildings are durable, long lasting and may be configured for a wide range of commercial, governmental and residential uses.

Pole Barn Homes

When someone mentions pole barn homes, many people respond with “Huh?” or “Why?” Pole barn or post-frame construction has evolved to encompass many applications besides simple barns and farm buildings. Today, attractive civic buildings, fire stations, schools, medical clinics and even private homes are being constructed using pole barn methods.
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